Saturday, October 22, 2011

The Taste Of Freedom

Ah, 6 days of freedom!

This is just too good to be true.

Justin Bieber's newest song, Mistletoe is out! Gawd, he's hot.

List of hot people: Justin Bieber, Jesse McCartney, Logan Lerman.

Got hooked on Percy Jackson. Mom bought me 'The Heroes of Olympus: The Son of Neptune', and I won't put it down.

So busy these days, with all that exams and Percy Jackson and Mistletoe and whatnot.

I think I'll go lie down for a while. Will someone hand me a cookie when I wake up?

Halloween's almost here. Too bad there isn't any Trick-or-Treating in Malaysia. I would pay hard cash to see my neighbor's expressions when ghosts and fairies and Harry Potters knock on their doors demanding sweets.

Is there an anti-addiction drug I can take? I'm going to read Percy Jackson while listening to Justin Bieber and Jesse McCartney now.


  1. Omg, I know right??? I can't help it putting him as my wallpaper...

  2. Seriously???Dad won't let me. :'(
